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Brief Video Nuggets; some with Interactive Exercises Built In.  Try it!
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if you wanna learn more about how improv training can help your group.

Science Magazine - "Why Improv Training Made Me A Better Scientist"


Brian's Summary: "So Many Improv Skills Upgrade Science Communication"

Science Magazine "Say Yes, And To Communication -


Brian's Summary: "So Many Improv Skills Upgrade Science Communication"

Forbes - Why Improv Training is Great Business Training


Brian's Summary: "Why Improv Training is Great Business Training"

CNN - Improv To Teach Business Skills



Brian's Summary: "Improv Teaches Adapting and Collaborating at Speed"

Ted Talk - Dr. Charles Limb on the Science of Improv on Creativity



Brian's Summary: "Improv Changes Your Neurology, Allowing You to Change Your Behaviors"

YouTube - Alan Alda on Improv for Science Communication


Brian's Summary: "Improv Trains You to Connect With Your Audience"

Huffington Post


Brian's Summary: "Rehearsed Pitches Bad; Connection in the Moment Good"

NPR - Audio Clip - Improv for MBAs at MIT


Brian's Summary: "The Values of Learning from Failure and Rebounding"

My Own Commentary for The Groundlings Corporate Training Arm- 


Brian's Summary: "Improv is the Best Use of Your Training Time and Budget"

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